Dinner and Auction Stats

Arizona Quail Hunting

Here is the summary of the banquet. The majority of the increase in costs for this year was product which was up nearly $2,500 over last year.Scroll down and you will see the summary of the last 6 years’ Dinner and Auctions.Note that in 2017 we changed Venues and switched from The Elgin Hall  to the Sonoita Fairgrounds which a good move s it increased membership and revenue to The Chapter.

2017 2018 Banquet Income
3,820 4,425 QF Membership money
535 460 QF Product sales: shirts/hats
5,670 6,755 Ticket sales (ticket less membership)
16,340 13,305 Live Auction
2,545 2,584 Silent Auction
2,230 5,448 Raffles (including Web purchases $900)
3,285 910 Donations/bar sales (no bar 2017-2018)
34,425 33,887 Gross income
Banquet Expenses
(2,207.30) (4,667.07) QF product (banquet product, hats, decals)
(1,112.50) (1,344.00) Santa Cruz fairgrounds
(4,500.00) (5,225.00) Allyn Haynes caterer
(75.00) (75.00) Hopkins:  3 quail metal cutout, other prod, $100 tips
(1,000.00) (1,000.00) Auctioneer: Ramirez
(775.20) (952.75) Other costs: admin supplies/advertising/framing/2 helpers
(650.49) (755.16) Credit card fee 3.25%
(3,820.00) (4,425.00) QF memberships
(14,140.49) (18,443.98) Expenses
20,284.51 15,443.02 Net to chapter

A Brittany Puppy backing a Big Dog


Banquet Summaries
2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018
8,014.00 6,849.00 13,200.40 11,629.00 34,425.00 33,887.00 Banquet Gross Income (including memberships)
(4,074.96) (3,644.94) (8,105.68) (6,913.57) (14,140.49) (18,443.98) Banquet Expenses (including memberships)
3,939.04 3,204.06 5,094.72 4,715.43 20,284.51 15,443.02 Banquets: Net to Chapter