06/15/2017 President’s Corner

The Mowry Fire Burning west of Patagonia

A quick update to let folks know what is going on with the chapter in Southern AZ.  It is toasty warm now but we got a little rain today.
-Highway cleanup.  We had 7 volunteers for our highway cleanup in early May.  Thanks to those that helped out.  Our next cleanup is planned in Nov.
-Scaled Quail covey count.  Wade Zarlingo from AGFD has tentatively scheduled the covey count for 29/30 Sep.  We will get more info out on this later in the summer.
-Habitat projects.  Border 2 Fuels Reduction and Mearns Quail Habitat Improvement Project is tracking.  Tom Sullivan is leading this and presented it to meeting at our last meeting in March.  Tom was able to get the name change to reflect the Mearns portion of the project and Wade Zarlingo is working with the FS also to make sure Mearns habitat is an important part of the project.  We are still working on the White Mountain Mearns project proposal and not ready to commit to it yet.
-Sonoita fires.  The area around Sonoita has been hit with several smaller fires in the last week.  These are mostly lightning caused and to date have not had a significant impact on habitat.
-Hog and Adobe Canyon access.  The homeowners and AGFD are still working agreements that will prevent the FS from closing the access.
-Future AZ quail season dates.  AGFD is proposing to move the start dates for desert quail back two weeks to later Oct starting in 2018.  Mearns start dates and end dates for all species are proposed to stay the same.  There is an opportunity to provide input to AGFD if you have different ideas.  There is no plan for a chapter input but you are free to engage individually.

Zack May
Southern AZ Quail Forever
Chapter President
Cell 520.301.8135